Sunday, April 3, 2022

NUML Social Action Project Contribution to SDGs


Since last years Department of governance and public policy at the National University of Modern Language is working on Social actions projects. These projects are linked with Sustainable Development Goals which were assigned by the UN in 2015.


Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Muhammad Hamid Khan along with Muhammad Saddiq, student of BS-4(Public Administration and Governance) at NUML University Islamabad. This blog on the project done by our seniors titled "Trans Awareness Program" is related to SDG-10 (Reduce inequality within and among countries). 

SDG 10 reduces inequality within and among countries deals with inequality in wages, and gender, and protects refugees. At the same time, it also deals with social, political, and economic inequalities. 
Project was done by Senior:
                                             Trans Awareness Program

Brief details:
            This social action project is the protection of transgender rights. It is related to SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOAL 5 i.e. Gender Equality which states that there should be no gender discrimination and all genders have equal rights and duties. In Pakistan, the transgender community is very neglected and treated very ill. So, to highlight their importance and to ensure their basic right this project was done in January 2021 by students of semester 04 ( Bs Public Administration and Governance) under the supervision of Dr. Athar Rashid. Although there are many transgender rights organizations working in Pakistan there is a need for awareness and sensitizing the Public to normalize this community in society so that they can live like a normal person instead of a creepy creatures.

Group Member’s Name and Roles:

 Project Manager: Shah Saud 
 Finance coordinator:  Sardar Hamza
 Content Writing and Social Media: Syeda Anosha 
 Management Team: Ali Shan, M.Hammayun Zafar, Syeda Qirat Ali
The core objectives of this social action project are: 
• Public Sensitization regarding trans genders 
• Awareness in the transgender community as well
• Public Acceptance of Trans genders and their acceptance as an Identity 
• To promote social, political, and economic equity of Trans genders. 
• To reclaim spaces for transgender ending Trans phobia in Pakistan. 
• To help the lives of transgender with self-acceptance, self-respect, and dignity 
• To normalize Trans genders in society. 
• To fill the communication gap between transgender and the public. 
• To change the offensive mindset of the public towards the Transgender community. 
• To revamp the behavior of society toward Transgenders.
Description of our project:
 Basically, the aim of this social action project was public sensitization regarding transgender, public understanding of transgenders, and their acceptance as an identity. Awareness is a dire need of the time not only in the general public but in the transgender community as well. The number of activities done in this noble cause team Trans Awareness Program. 
List of the activities:
  • Meetings with different school and colleges authorities.
Group conducted meetings with 10 different public or private institutions within twin cities.
  • Meeting with the transgender activists. 
Group conducted a meeting with two transgender activists such as Julia Khan and Ms. Faizi.
  • Contact with well-known and well qualified transgender activist and different organization. 
Different other interviews and webinars are conducted by the group. 
  • Arranged webinars with different e transgender activists and professionals from different fields and departments i-e social activists, lawyers, 17 teachers, a chartered accountant, and a police victim officer.
Webinars with transgender activists:  

Community awareness: 

Impacts of our project: 
Within a short time, we examined the impacts of our project on the people. 
• Many people started to clear their views and thoughts regarding transgender. 
• The numbers of people who are directly sensitized with this project are around 300-350 and on social media 7.8k, people were indirectly sensitized as they were watching and engaging in our posts and videos continuously. 
• This project also changed the mentality of the people about transgender and they learned about humanity. 
• It makes today’s youth enthusiastic to save transgenders' lives and make their lives worth living. 
• It enlightens the true path for parents to teach their children about humanity and transgenders to become the better version of themselves in the future as today’s children will be tomorrow’s future. 
• This project guideline promises gender equality in the future. 
• The interaction with different Trans-activist created a more effective understanding and variation of the societal behaviors. 
• As this project changed the mindset of many people, definitely it’ll sensitize an ample population to understanding the role of transgenders.

• After every webinar, we have got participants' feedback through a google form questionnaire and got very positive feedback. 
• We are much appreciated for our social work by Society, Peers, and teachers and also got appreciation letters from many leading organizations in the field. 
• People advised arranging much more for them on such topics. 
• On social media accounts, people approached us to make them members of our team. Our friends from other universities are quite eager to join us after this semester.


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