Friday, August 18, 2023

NUML Social Action Projects; Building Leadership skills in students

SDG scouts for Water, Energy, and Food Security at Govt M.C Boys Model high school

NUML social action projects (SAP) is a platform initiated by the Department of Governance and Public Policy under the supervision of Dr. Athar Rashid, who is an assistant professor in the department. Being a student in this department, I have a lot to say about this platform where students can showcase their skills of leadership and project management in contributing to environmental resource building and community development. So far, several projects have been introduced through this platform, with many more to come. These projects not only enhance several project management skills in students but also provide a professional platform for them to bring their ideas to life. Students have accomplished a lot through these projects, including receiving appreciation letters from several organizations and institutions. Apart from these letters, students have also received internship opportunities. The main idea is to spread awareness of sustainable development goals among the masses and to create innovative ideas to solve community problems. Students are asked to create a digital presence for their project on social media apps and to engage with several organizations and institutions related to their project. In the last year, the students started to give awareness sessions in several schools, colleges, and universities regarding sustainable development goals as SDG scouts, which was a very successful idea not only for the students but for the community as well. The institutions praised their work and awarded them appreciation letters as the SDG scouts managed to educate the respective students about sustainable development goals and how they could play their part in achieving a sustainable future.
Awareness session at Army Public School Westridge

SDG scouts for W.E.F security at SKANS Islamabad
SDG scouts for W.E.F security at I.M.C.B I-8/3

These projects have not only spread awareness among many students around Islamabad and Rawalpindi regarding sustainability but also created a digital impact all around Pakistan through social media platforms. However, these are not the only benefits. Being a part of this project is a wonderful addition to your CV. Due to the fact that student-based projects are now taken into account internationally and are being praised by many international organizations and fellowships, including UGRAD and the Sister2Sister fellowship program, you can mention your work experience in your CV if you are a part of NUML social action projects and project a good professional image in front of recruiters. Several of our students have also reached this life milestone by making these social action initiatives sustainable.

Written by: Shiza Farrukh ( Project Manager for Water, Energy and Food Security)


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NUML Social Action Projects; Building Leadership skills in students

SDG scouts for Water, Energy, and Food Security at Govt M.C Boys Model high school NUML social action projects (SAP) is a platform initiated...

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