Monday, March 21, 2022

NUML SDGs MARATHON-SDG#5(Gender Equality)

Momina Jehan, Maryam Saeed (BS-4 G&PP, Morning)

Supervised by Dr. Athar Rashid

Sustainable development goals

In September 2015 the member state of the UN adopted the 2030 agenda and its 17 sustainable development goals. Under this unified agenda the international community combined the commitment to sustainable development that were made at the UN’s Rio +20 conference with the process of renewing the millennium development goals implemented between 2000 to 2015. 2030 agenda for sustainable development is referred to as a comprehensive action plan for people, planet, and prosperity. This relate directly to the three pillars of sustainable development social, environmental and economic. Agenda 2030 also added the notion of peace and partnership to the traditional pillars of sustainability

Goal 5 ( Gender Equality)

Gender Equality is the 5th goal of sustainable development. Gender equality means equal access to resources and opportunities to every gender  this particular goal has 9 targets and 14 indicators that look at all the dimensions of gender equality including economic political and societal inclusion and participation eliminating violence and harmful practice against women. Every human being deserve a life free from all form of violence and discrimination The main motive of this goal is to eliminate all form of discrimination against all gender and provide equal opportunities, right and regulation and equal access to resources regardless of their gender. It is an essential foundation  for the peace, prosperity and sustainable development around the world. Without gender equality there can be no sustainable development

Progress made by Pakistan

Pakistan has adopted a number of key international commitments to gender equality.

·         The Universal Deceleration of Human Rights,

·         Beijing  Platform for Action

·         The Convention on the elimination of all forms of discrimination against human

·         Sustainable development goals


National commitments includes

·         National policy work for development and empowerment of women

·         Protection against harassment at workplace Act

·         Offences in the name or pretext of honour Act

·         National plan of action on human rights


Local commitment adopted includes

·         Gender equality policy frameworks

·         Women’s empowerment packages and initiatives.

Regardless of these actions Pakistan still ranks lowest in gender equality  

Progress made by NUML

·         Policy for women progress measure in connection with UN SDGs

This policy aim to support women in university through different activities, initiatives irrespective of their gender, ethnicity and religion

·         Gender Equality and non discrimination policy

Main focus behind this policy is to eradicate any form of discriminations against any gender in any of its program and activities

·         Launched virtual WECREATE  club

Office of research innovation and Commercialization in collaboration with The Indus Entrepreneur through their project WECREATE Pakistan proposed to foster entrepreneurial culture at NUML specially for female students to transform their business ideas into reality

·         Maternity/ Paternity policy

Through this policy facility of maternity leave is provided to employees of NUML

·         Trans awareness program

Trans awareness program is a project conducted by BS-7 in order to provide equal rights and opportunities to Transgender community

Campus Drive

We interacted with students of different department e.g. management science, English, computer science department and distributed brochure among them told them about SDGs and mainly about gender equality and got their opinion as well. Main focus behind this interaction was to create awareness among students about SDGs. Conducting interviews was also a part of this drive

Interview questions

·         Do you know about SDGs?

·         What do you think about gender equality?

·         According to you which gender is suffering the most in Pakistan?

·         Pakistan is a male dominant society. Do you believe in this statement?

·         What are the main causes of gender inequality?


·         About 60% of the students were aware about gender equality

·         Most of the students said gender equality means to provide equal rights to every gender

    82% of students said Transgender are suffering the most in Pakistan and 17% said women are facing inequality

·        73% people said yes and 18% of them said no

·        Uneven access to education, Lack of economic opportunities were the answers of people


We conducted webinar on the topic sustainable development goal 5 (Gender Equality) in which 30 students from Riphah, CUST, Quaid e Azam, COMSAT’s and NUML university participated   In this webinar we briefly explained about SDGs and Gender Equality about targets of UN to achieve this goal , Main causes of gender inequality in Pakistan and what initiative we should take to promote equality for all genders.


·         Ensure that boys and girls have equal access to good quality education equal rights and opportunities

·     Campaigning and raising awareness among young men and woman parents and teachers about gender stereotypical attitudes toward academic performances and opportunities

·         Breaking the stigma and stereotypes associated with genders

·         Ending gender based violence



We as a society must learn and educate the importance of  characteristics and behaviors simply being human not man- like and not female-like. Only when gender stereotypes and gender norms are put to rest a society can reach to complete gender equality. 




  1. Very informative

  2. Well designed and informative. You highlighted very important keep it up! you are doing well job. πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

  3. Good team SDG-5 you have done a tremendous effort and thanks for sharing your work with us.i hope that you will continue working in your future endeavors with the same hard work.I wish you all the best

    1. Thank you sir! I really appreciate the feedback.


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