Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Are you digitally literate?

Hello there, how did you reach here? I am pretty sure that the first thought that crossed your mind after reading the title was sure that I am digitally literate. Sadly, it’s not the truth. Your ability to read this blog on your mobile phones and laptops does not make you digitally literate. Digital literacy is far beyond reading and writing as compared to traditional literacy. Simply, literacy is regarded as the ability to read and write. Later, it was evolved to visual literacy with the ability to perceive images. Then to information literacy and media literacy. Finally comes digital literacy combining the ability to read and write with the aspect of understanding and comprehension. It is far more than the prime knowledge of computers. For instance, ask a bibliophile his preference of reading books, he will surely prefer printed copy over an e-book. What is the element making the difference? The essence of the book in hands than the device. Your digital literacy assessment tool is you. Your devotion to the digitally transformed workplace.

In this technology-driven era, the real challenge is learning how to learn. This calls for digital competence. The potential to cope with the digital culture in the digital world calls for action rather than expression. There is a severe need for change, especially for the digital natives and Gen Z, who consider themselves to be digitally revolutionized beings, but their digital ethics are a big question mark. The answer lies in self-improvement.

Hence, for you to stand out among the crowd, the key is to create self-awareness and a habit of self-learning in yourself. Things will automatically find your way.



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