Tuesday, March 8, 2022


There exist commonalities and differences among public and private institutes and it became more clear to us when we went for the field visits. We have seen and observed a huge discrepancy between two different organizations working in same domain. 

A methodology was developed by Team CLEAN_AWAY to conduct this project effectively. Firstly, we visited a Public sector organization " CDA sanitation Directorate, Islamabad" in order to get to know about their working mechanism. Sanitation Directorate is responsible for delivery of sanitation and garbage disposal services within municipal limits of Islamabad. It includes industrial area, model villages, Highways and Avenues, Commercial area and  public spaces. We had a meeting with DG and no doubt it's was a fruitful interaction but felt some loop hole in their conduct and overall organizational environment.

In contrast, we visited a Private sector organization " National cleaner Production center , Rawalpindi".The organization is committed to the principles of Cleaner Production through continuous application of integrated, preventive and proactive strategies. They are providing environmental services, energy services, analytical services, waste management services and cleaner Production services.They appreciated our initiative, provided the details and also scheduled the activities that was proved beneficial for our project. we celebrated "Biodiversity day"and “World Environment day” with the Collaboration of NCPC at Morgah Biodiversity Park, Rawalpindi.

We visited two different organizations to deepen our understanding and their designed mechanism in order to eradicate this global issue. They flooded us with so much information but it was a great learning experience in terms of internalizing the aspects of two different poles.


  1. Informative comparison, public sector has multiple challenges in our particular context. It is a good initiative by the team clean away that you have started writing about it.Let's not only discuss the problems only rather it's high time that we strat looking for the solutions.Let's ask critical questions regarding the reformation of our public sector and there are glaring examples of public sector institutions doing brilliant job in the context where performance of the public sector is a big question mark. Overall it is thought provoking and good job my dear students,I hope you all will continue this amazing writing activity

  2. Well done Team clean away... 👏

  3. Super proud of you all, more power to this project! 👏🏼


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