Friday, January 28, 2022

Activity: meeting with SHO Mian Irfan Cyber Wing Islamabad.

I think not everyone is fully educated and not everyone is fully illiterate, in this world everyone have some level of education and information and we or our project is based on a practical learning system and we came out to inform other students and aware them that the cyber education is important. So for this purpose, we have to educate ourselves self-first and then we decided to meet some people who have a strong grip, who are well experienced and who have full command of this subject. 

Firstly, we FIA cyber wing Islamabad and had a meeting with SHO Mian Irfan, this meeting and interview were very effective and we learned a lot from him he tells us that the umbrella of cyber is very vast a lot of things a lot of scams do come under this word not just specifically harassment because whenever we heard that word the first thing which comes in our mind is this… but this is not it..!! a lot of people are involved in cyber-crime as we are living in the 21st century and the internet, artificial intelligence are increasing day by day yes they do make our life easy but difficult too on the same time, people are doing a number of wrong and unethical things by the help of these resources, which cause a lot of damage especially to the young generation, as we used to use these social media accounts more than others. Before meeting him we had a lot of questions and quarries but after having a meeting and interview most of the doubts and assumptions got cleared. And SHO Mian Irfan appreciated our work and wish us good luck as well. I and my team really want to thank him for giving us his precious time and for forwarding his worth full information with us.



  1. Good effort. we need to make more applicable and clear laws for cyber-crime and as well their implementation on time. The use of technology and manpower should go hand in hand.

  2. In order to protect our youth and our coming generations, there must be some obvious reforms on cyber security.


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