Friday, January 28, 2022

Activity: meeting with DG Muhammad Suhail Khan (sp&cs) of NITB Islamabad.

As I told you in my previous blog when we want to talk about some topic we should collect all the relevant data and information, correct information. This is the only way from which we can aware people of the consequences and importance. We have not just met SHO Mian Irfan but also one of the most experienced people who are non-other Director-General Muhammad Suhail Khan (SP&CS) NITB Islamabad. After talking and asking him questions we found that we really know just the basics and our research is so minor and little because he is working in this field for more than 20+ years and he knows a lot of things about cyber, hacking, the dark web, child pornography, leaked information, editing and a lot of other crimes which sometimes the culprit don’t even know that what’s going to happen next. He concluded that we can just spread information and aware people of the bad side of the internet. But guys you know what else he said he told us that whenever you learned something extra you try to implement it, and yes it can be in a positive manner but it does have some negative impact as well. We asked him that can education be a tool which we can use against cyber-crime… and he simply said NO, then we questioned him why the answer is NO and he really made his point all clear to us that we can’t even digest it but sometimes we have to take bitter sips well, he answered us that most of the things are done by educated people and they try or they really hack the system, some of them are working in the dark web, unethically as well, and he said that he didn’t mean that we should stop educating our selves but we should follow some rules, regulations, value and in an ethical manner without hurting anybody.

Last but not the least, it was a very much brainstorming and effected meeting and we really do learn a lot than we thought. DG Suhail Khan appreciated us as well, and you know what??? He offered us to do an internship under his supervision which is more than an achievement and a great success of this meeting.


  1. I am sara malik from Bs6 morning . What change your meeting brought in the society?How we can do it as individual wellbeing to improve these also ? Is meeting with people who are in authority is only enough to tackle with these situations ?

  2. As there is a famous proverb, charity begins at home. So untill and unless we don't bring change within ourself, we can't progress as a nation, as an individual.


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