Friday, January 28, 2022

Activity: visit to universities.

Our next step was to visit different universities to conduct interviews and for awareness about their (students) think that why we should know about cyber security and is there any policy in their university on cyber? So to get the answers to these questions we went to four different universities and they are; Foundation Rawalpindi campus, Air Islamabad campus, Bahria Islamabad campus, and NUML Islamabad campus.

After sum off all the mentioned universities, we found that in these universities there are cyber policy which is actively working in the favor of students if they are facing; harassment, hacking, bullying. Students to have a lot of information and knowledge about this phrase ‘cyber security and want to know more about it the curiosity in the young generation to know much more about is huge and they wants to know that why some people do such things and misuses their capabilities and tries hurt others directly or indirectly. A student shares a story with us that his PUBG game was hacked by an anonymous person and that game was linked by Facebook which means his Facebook got hacked and all his information and other stuff too and when we asked that who it happened he said that he was trying to purchase some royal pass online which offered 30% off, which means that he was a victim financial fraud seems funny but yes it is just one small story who knows how many stories are under-covered.  Moving forward, the thing which we found from all these visits to different universities is that, students should know about the importance of cyber education and if there are some flaws then their teachers should guide them in the best way.  




  1. Hey I'm Ramish from BS. 6th morning and i really appreciate the initiative you took. Everyone should know about cyber security and how your personal information can be misused. Keep it up!

  2. It's me Ali Bilal from Bs6 (Morning) I have read this visit to universities and there is a lot of need of cyber awareness and awareness about the harassment as well. Overall your work is creditable.

  3. A minor subject on the topic of cyber security in all programmes will be effective to create awareness among masses.


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