Monday, June 20, 2022

Visit to Punjab Food Authority

On 23rd May 2022, Team Food insecurity and Malnutrition visited Punjab Food Authority that is an agency of the Government of Punjab which regulates food safety and hygiene in the province of Punjab.We had a fruitful meeting with worthy Assistant Director Food Authority Rawalpindi (Punjab) Azmat Ali.

We asked few questions about the parameters on which Food Authority works that how food quality and food safety is measured. He told us that PFA regulates and monitors the food business in order to ensure compliance by formers, manufacturers, distributors, importers and other stake holders in orders to provide safe food.As we know healthy diets are too much important for humans sound health. He briefly told us about food quality that they check the material quality if it is out of their substandard they fine them and if their quality is too much low and cannot be compromised at all then they seal those particular shops, restaurants or fast foods shops. Secondly he told us about food safety in which environment food is being prepared if ingredients are good but environment is not good they also do inspection for this. Thirdly their main aim is to quality endurance at any cost. They go for inspection at anywhere surprisingly. They apply fine if any one don’t come to meet required SOPs. We learned a lot of things and had a very amazing experience with Assistant Director.

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