Sunday, April 3, 2022

NUML - SDG's Marathon : SDG 17 (Partnerships for the Goals)

Muhammad Waleed Akram

BS-4 (Morning)

Department of Governance & Public Policy

In this blog, I am going to talk about Sustainable Development Goal 17 and share my experience regarding NUML Marathon week. In this subject of Social Action Project (SAP), I had been given a task by my supervisor Dr. Athar Rashid to perform a series of activities regarding SDG 17 during a week. In activities, I arranged a webinar and after that, I did an awareness walk regarding SDG 17.

What is SDG 17?

The main aim of this goal was to Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize

The global partnership for sustainable development.

The idea is that SDG 17 is meant to help in the implementation of all other SDG’s from (1-16) goals. Because we live in a globalized world and global challenges require global solutions, we need people with different skills, ideas, abilities & customs to work together to solve problems that affect us all. SDG 17 is also a vision for more Improved and equitable trade as well as coordinated investment initiatives to promote sustainable development across borders, especially in developing and under-developing countries

Pakistan Progress toward SDG 17:

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) index claims to determine a country's performance on the 17 Goals.

According to the 2021 Annual report, Pakistan’s SDG Global Rank is 129 out of 193 countries. Pakistan's performance is only on track against Goal 13 (Climate Action) and all other goals are either moderately progressing or stagnating and worsening in the case of Goal 15 (Life on Land).

If particularly talks about Goal 17, then there is not much information available in the report regarding this but the performance is moderately increasing.


NUML Progress Regarding SDG 17:

NUML has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with different institutions & organizations at different times in order to promote collaborative work and partnerships.

Ø  NUML Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) got the membership of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) to expand educational opportunities for students and faculty members of NUML.

Ø  NUML Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) signed MoU with the Pakistan Institute of Management (PIM) for capacity-building activities and to share human resources.

Ø  NUML Office of Research Innovation and Commercialization (ORIC) got membership of CrossRef to assign Digital Object Identifier (DOIs) to journal’s research articles.

Ø  NUML-FMS (Faculty of Management Sciences) signed MoU with Al-Barka Bank Ltd. Through this MoU, Al-Barka will conduct Recruitment Drives for the induction of Finance and Islamic Finance graduates of NUML.

Ø  NUML signed MoU with the National University of Technology (NUTECH) to conduct special courses of German and Japanese Languages.

Ø  NUML signed a memorandum with National Vocational & Technical Training Commission (NAVTCC) TO Conduct Prime Minister’s Kamyab Jawan Program. The program was based on 6 months of vocational training in Artificial Intelligence.

Ø  NUML and Alliance Francaise, Islamabad (AFI) signed an Academic Cooperation Agreement (ACA) to develop friendly relations and cooperation in the domain of science, culture, and education on the principles of respect, equality, and mutual benefits.

Campus Drive:

I did a campus drive in which I interacted with almost 33 students from 5 different departments and ask them about SDGs. But 31 out of 33 students didn’t know about sdgs. So I distributed brochures among them and educated them about Sdg’s and tell them about their importance for Pakistan and also how NUML is also working on making progress towards SDGs. And how you can also individually play your roles in achieving these SDGs.

Departments I covered were:

ü  Department of Governance & Public Policy

ü  Department of Management Sciences

ü  Department of Mass Communication

ü  Department of Chinese Language

ü  Department of Software Engineering


Arranged a Webinar:

I conducted a webinar on the topic of Sustainable Development Goal 17 (Partnerships for the Goals) in which 11 students participated. In this Webinar, I precisely explained SDG 17 and its importance for Pakistan and how we can individually play our role promote this goal.

we couldn't survive in isolation because the world is globalized now and we should need to make decisions collectively by doing collaborations. We also need to enhance macroeconomic stability and Policy coherence to make our development sustainable.

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