Sunday, April 17, 2022

Assess Your Digital Skills

How much time of the day are you spending online? How would you rate your digital productivity?

Pakistan is facing a digital skills shortage. Our workforce is unable to meet the rapidly changing, technological future. There is not a shortage of skilled labor but a skill mismatch between the person’s potential and skill. Your digital proficiency will lead you to digital productivity. You need to develop your digital skills by reflecting upon your digital capabilities. 

What are Digital Skills?

Digital skills are the abilities required to use digital technologies. The skills used to run digital devices, access, evaluate, create, and share digital content. These skills are important to work in the fast-evolving digital world.

How Digitally Capable are you?

Digital capability means the extent of adaptation to digital culture and infrastructure. JISC Digital Capability Framework highlights the six key areas of digital capability.

1. ICT Proficiency (functional skills)

2. Information, data, and media literacies (critical skills)

3. Digital creation, problem-solving, and innovation (creative skills)

4. Digital communication, collaboration, and participation (participation)

5. Digital learning and development (development)

6. Digital identity and wellbeing. (self-actualizing)

Not getting into details of any of these, else you will not continue reading the blog further. 

Hopefully, you would have accessed your digital capabilities in your mind. Now let's step forward to evaluate your digital skills.

Digital Skills Checklist:

a. Digital tools for working incorporate your competency with the system and digital devices.

b. Digital ways of working hold account for digital communication, collaboration, and analysis.

c. Digital ways of thinking include digital creativity, innovation, and problem-solving.

d. Our social and ethical responsibility is living in the digital age, digital safety, and security. 

From entry-level digital skills to advanced levels digital skills, it is a lifelong learning process leading to self-fulfillment at each level. The more step ahead you are on the list, the more chances of excelling in an irreversible process. 

Enough assessments for today. There are so many components of digital skills always finding room for development. Believe it or not,

"In the age of the machine, people matter more than ever."

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