Saturday, March 19, 2022

Project NUML SDG's Marathon 2022 Sustainable Development Goal -2 ZERO HUNGER

Supervised By : Sir Athar Rashid

Done By : Aayzah Asad Esha Sajid


Our Project: 

A project was given to us by our teacher Sir Athar to work on Sustainable Development Goal number 2. The group of was of 2 members Aayzah Asad and Esha Sajid. We both were assigned with different tasks and activities which we had to complete in a week named as "Numl SDGs Marathon Week". We started working on this project .We started from learning What Sustainable Development Goals are Our task was to research on SDG goal 2. For learning purpose we concerned google and official website of UN. We gather data of implantation of SDG Goal 2 in Pakistan. Sustainable 

Development Goal Number 2 :

 Zero Hunger: 

 "The Zero Hunger SDG focuses on finding sustainable solutions to stop world hunger. The goals of the Zero Hunger initiative are to end hunger and make sure that enough nutritious foods are available to people by 2030. Other aspects of the goal include ending all forms of malnutrition and promoting sustainable agriculture. A world food programme that prevents food wastage and create a world where there is no hunger.The programmer will tackle food security challenges and ensure access to nutritious food by all". Aims to achieve "zero hunger". The official wording is: "End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture". SDG 2 highlights the complex inter-linkages between food security, nutrition, rural transformation and sustainable agriculture. According to the United Nations, there are around 690 million people who are hungry, which accounts for 10 percent of the world population. One in every nine people goes to bed hungry each night, including 20 million people currently at risk of famine in South Sudan, Somalia, Yemen and Nigeria. 

An Overview of SDG2 in Pakistan:

 High levels of malnutrition lead to low work force productivity ,costing Pakistan USD 7.6 billion, or 3 percent of its Gross Domestic Product(GDP), every year. Malnutrition not in only adversely affects the country’s GDP, it has serious implications for Pakistan’s most important asset – its human resources .Malnutrition takes heavy toll on the population ,especially on infants, children and women of reproductive age most notably through high morbidity and mortality rates.Therefore achieving the SDGs largely hinges upon eliminating hunger in all its forms. 

 Progress made by Pakistan: 

Pakistan’s Legislative progress on SDG 2. In terms of legislation passed with regards to SDG 2, there have been three Acts post-2015 that relate to this SDG. Two amongst these were passed by the Sindh Government - The Sindh Livestock Breeding Act 2016, and The Sindh Animal Breeding Act 2017. GB also passed a law in this category: The Food Act. However, when compared to SDG 8, decent work and economic growth, this number is low, as the country passed eight laws relevant to SDG 8. 

How many policies did Pakistan make on SDG 2 ? 

Furthermore, the country produced only two relevant policies pertaining to this SDG in the post-2015 era, namely The Multi-Sectorial National Nutrition Policy and the 2017 Food Security Policy. When compared to other policies that target other SDGs this number is fairly low. For the SGD one, eight, eleven, thirteen, sixteen, and seventeen the government produced four policy documents each. ✓ The good news is that the country was set to reduce the level of stunting in children under the age of five to 10% by 2030, and in 2019 the stunting level had reduced to 31.5%. There were some other minor achievements as well like the country gave tax exemptions on food fortifying equipment.

 Progress made by NUML:

 NUML has policy on Student Hunger; the accessibility to nutritious, balanced and healthy food is counted amongst the basic human requirements of human beings. University share a burden of this responsibility and laidout a road map wherein the affected students are identified and then adequately taken care of. It is in this backdrop that a policy has been formulated. Charts and Posters:We make different charts and posters related to our SDG. We also made a pamphlet. We distributed 50 Pamphlets in university and pasted some of them on walls and different places so that every personcould read about it. 
















 We are conducting webinar 

we shared a link of the webinar among the group of  different departments and in our class groups to aware a people about a zero hunger goal.
vIn this webinar there were almost 30-35 individuals who joined and listened to the worthy information and shared their thoughts with us.
vThey all give a positive feedback at the end.



Campus Drive: 

We walked in NUML went to different departments interact with different students and ask them different questions. 

Our questions was ; 

• Weather they know about zero hunger? •

 Why is zero hunger so important?

 • What would happen if we solve zero hunger? 

• What is the problem with zero hunger? 



                                                         CS DEPARTMENT

 Some students were like they don't know anything about this .Few of them were able to answer about it but still they don't know a lot. Some of student of cs replied so well. They told a world with zero hunger can positively impact our economics, health, education, equality and social development. 

                                                      BBA DEPARTMENT

 Students of BBA didn't know anything about it. 

                                                       GPP Department

 Few seniors of Our own department replied very deeply and gives a lot information. They also tells that It is a key piece of building a better future for everyone.

                                                       Rumi Block 

A few of students of Rumi block thinks that Conflict, Climate Change and inequality are making it harder for families to share a meal around the table.




  Impact of our project: 

After our initiative we noticed that individuals in university, including students, teachers, and other staff showed concern over the problem. They were eager to help everyone who was hungry, whether inside or outside the University. They tried to work on ways to overcome hunger. 


Here are some recommendations through which we can overcome this Hunger Realize the full potential of our globalized economy, national governments must expand social protection schemes for the most vulnerable. Providing this opportunity for equitable economic growth will raise the purchasing power of the poorest 2 billion people, which in turn will create incremental demand, generate new jobs and jump-start local economies. Investing in inclusive development isn’t just the right thing to do, it makes good business sense too.

  Access to affordable, nutritious food for everyone – all 7 billion of us – is vital. We must innovate and invest in making our supply chains more efficient by developing sustainable durable markets. To support these markets, we must also improve rural infrastructure, particularly roads, storage and electrification, ensuring farmers’ ability to reach a wider consumer base.

  Nothing is more important to the development of a child than good health and nutrition, particularly in the first 1,000 days (from conception through to the age of two). To prevent stunting and to promote healthy development, we must ensure that children and nursing mothers have access to the required nutritious foods. Join us in saving lives, changing lives and feeding dreams. 


 Let’s collaborate to innovate, create sustainable solutions and reach out to those who need a hand up, not a hand out. If we work together, we will achieve the SDGs and a world free of hunger – a Zero Hunger World.


  1. Appreciable effort which will add towards betterment of the country.

  2. Amazing work just keep it up...that was really a great blog and thanks for sharing such a good blog... Wish to see much more like this

  3. Well done great work keep it up
    Great effort


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