Monday, March 14, 2022

OUR NUML SDG's Marathon 2022: Sustainable Development Goal 15-Life on Land







We are from Governance & Public Department BS-4, we were assigned with the task Numl Marathon on Sustainable Development Goal 15 under the supervision of Dr Athar Rashid. My team members are Beenish Hayat and myself Muzamil Hussain worked whole week and completed with restless efforts. The aim of this task is to aware the university students, communities and different people about the Sustainable Development Goals Life on land to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation, as we know human activities has threatened life and industries builders don’t build industries keep in eye of environment protection. Highlighting this we can aware people about SDGs and can achieve. 


Sustainable development is usually defined as the development that meets the needs of the present equitably, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs (World Commission on Environment and Development, 1987). Sustainable development is viewed as a principle with three pillars: the natural environment, human society, and the economy. The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are related to these pillars and should be achieved by every country by the year 2030 (United Nations, 2015). SDG #15, Life on Land. There are three main aspects of SDG #15: manage forests, preserve biodiversity, and combat desertification (United Nations, 2019).

Sustainable Development Goal-15 Life on Land 

A flourishing life on land is the foundation for our life on this planet. We are all part of the planet’s ecosystem and we have caused severe damage to it through deforestation, loss of natural habitats and land degradation. Promoting a sustainable use of our ecosystems and preserving biodiversity is not a cause. It is the key to our own survival. 

Significance of the Study:

The significance of this study is to highlights the alarming loss of biodiversity the world has experienced in a few decades on account of unsustainable human activities.

Research Objectives:

The main objective of this study is to:

-          Aware the people about Sustainable development Goals 

-          Analyze/understand the causes and effects of  land degradation, loss of                     biodiversity, human activities impact on environment

-          Find some solutions to this problem.


This project took short time. First step was to understand the how human activities threatening environment, ecosystem and how land degradation affects billions of people. Then we find out the causes and its effects on animals, species and humans.

Second step was to gather relevant information about the topic through reliable sources such as various articles and online sources. The task was not to only gather information but to also understand this rising issue, and the adverse effects it would have on the environment along with the people.

Step three was to conduct interviews with the people and students of Main Campus as well as regional Campus. In the interviews we asked regarding the sustainable development goal and Life on Land.

Fourth step was to mess walk for providing information about Sustainable development goals to community, students in university premises through awareness postures and pamphlets.  

Fifth step was we arranged webinar session on SDG-15 Life on Land and aware them. Around 50 people joined webinar from Main Campus Islamabad as well as regional Campus, Numl Multan, Rawalpindi and other Federal Universities Quaid-e- Azam University, Islamic University and Sindh University and Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Mirs Sindh.

Sixth step was we created Google survey form  and  access students by Google form of different universities  for letting about percentage of people who know about SDGs.

Campus Drives/Activities

  • Conducted interview of 30 people from different departments.
  • Meet  people and engaged  150 people  0f   multiple  departments, and covered  20 departments of  all 4 faculties.
  • Visited the  faculty of social science  in which  we covered  Psychology department, Governance and Public Policy dept,  Dept of Islamic studies, Dept of Pak Study, Dept of Mass Communication, Dept of Peace and Conflict Studies, Dept of International Relations and Education Dept
  •  Visited the faculty of M.S  in which we cover  the Dept of BBA, Dept of Accounting and Finance, MBA Executive,  MS Management Science, Marketing Finance, HRM.
  • Visited the faculty of Software Engineering, in which we covered  Dept of Software Engineering, Dept of Mathematics, Dept of Computer Science.
  •  Visited the faulty of Languages in which we  covered Dept of English and Arabic.
  •  Meet with students of Numl Multan and aware them about Sustainable Development Goals and access to other regional campuses virtually
  •  50 people joined webinar from Main Campus Islamabad as well as regional Campus, Numl Multan, Numl Rawalpindi, also from  QAU Islamabad, Islamic University Islamabad, Sindh University and Shah Abdul University Khairpur Sindh.
Interview with the students

Awareness walk in university premises with students   
Meetup with GPP Dept. Faculty & Students
Interaction with Regional Campus
Numl Multan Campus Students 
Educating masses about SDGS

Educating masses about SDGS/Awareness Campaign in different departments 

The main questions asked in the interview were:

  1.  What do you about Sustainable development?
  2.  What do you know about Sustainable development Goals?
  3.   Is protecting environment and ecosystem is challenge for us?
  4.  Are we sustaining resources for future generation?
  5.  Do you think unsustainability human activity threatening life on earth?
  6.  Are the industry builders maximizing their personal benefits rather than protecting environment?
  7.  Due to lack of good governance we are not able to achieve goals how government can efficiently achieve sustainable development goals?
  8.   How many goals stills Pakistan has achieved?
  9.  Due to climate change there is unsustainability in weather how can we play role in order to get rid from global warming?
  10.  How can we protect environment and maintain ecosystem?
  11.  How can we increase forest ratio?
  12.  Suggest the awareness platforms through which we aware people about the importance of sustaining resources?  


On 24 February 2022, Team SDG 15 conducted webinar on Sustainable development Goal-15- Life on land. 50 people joined webinar from Main Campus Islamabad as well as regional Campus, Numl Multan, Rawalpindi and other Federal Universities Quaid-e- Azam University, Islamic University and Sindh University and Shah Abdul Latif University Khairpur, Mirs Sindh. 22 participants were females and 28 were male participants. It aimed at aware people regarding the great initiative. Overall it was a good and conductive session; participants appreciated us for this initiative and gave good wishes to precede such an obligatory work.

Google form survey

Initially on 27 February, 2022 a survey was conducted by team SDG-15 through Google form.  40 people gave fill out google survey. Those who filled survey form were from  Numl Islamabad, Numl Multan, Numl Karachi, Numl Rawalpindi, Sukkur IBA Main Campus, Iqra University, University of Karachi, School of Accountancy, Nust College of EME, Szabist College Larkana and other universities and colleges.  The Survey Questionnaire included 10 questions   

 Overall responses indicate that individuals are aware with the Sustainable Development Goal 15-Life on Land. Most of people responded there should be zooning system and set specific area for industries. There should be planation drive and E-Vehicle concept should be adopt for reducing emission of carbon. Most of the people agreed that governing bodies have not concentrated on environmental protection, also they agreed that industry builders maximizing their personal benefits rather than protecting environment.

The core objective of this survey was to reach public with environmental issues related information and to change public attitude for prioritizing  environmental protection  moreover it aimed to evaluate youth’s awareness and willingness to act on  environmental protection. 

Here is the link of my documentary video of marathon week containing Interviews with different people and awareness campaign,  visit to different departments and interaction moments with university students as well as regional campus students. 


Community action projects are self-directed project-based service-learning experiences and are interesting, multidisciplinary, and student-directed, which means there is little to no preparation involved on your part. Overall it was wonderful experience, and get learning new things which groom up my skills. Social Action project transformed us into better and better and practical work. Although time was short but with potential and restless efforts it come to end. I got opportunity to learn from social media about topic which people give feedback to me. It was pleasant that most of the people around 50 people from Main Campus as well as from regional campus joined webinar. Their response was quite good. Although learning in wide range of environment is a great exposure. We visit and engaged different people from different departments and communities and aware them about importance of sustaining resources for future generation. Most of people have not idea about global warming but we aware them about serious implications on humans, and told about long-term planning keep in eye protecting environment and sustaining ecosystem. There was lot of support from friends and brother who helped me out in completing the task. Besides Supervisor, Dr Athar Rashid is mentor due to his faith in our abilities and giving us time and support throughout the project made this possible to complete this task NUML Marathon. 

 SDGs and the case of Pakistan

Given the grim picture of Pakistan’s socio-economic indicators, it is necessary to take true measures to carry out the capacity building of the departments concerned to achieve the SDGs. These goals can prove a watershed moment for Pakistan. Although, Pakistan was able to produce regular data for 33 of the 60 MDG indicators, yet the task for SDGs is proving difficult because SDGs have 231indicators. A preliminary exercise to assess the data gap for 3 the SDGs shows that data are available for 125 indicators at the national level, 71 at the provincial level and 27 at the district level. An initial assessment portrays a dismal picture of the availability of data at Federal level for SDG 3 (good health and well-being), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and Production), SDG 14 (life below water), SDG 15 (life on land) and SDG 16 (peace, justice and strong institutions). However, they can rejuvenate our development discourses and can prove Miraculous in transforming the state of Pakistan, if resources (both financial and human) are Sincerely committed to achieving these goals. In the proceeding part of the study, the SDGs related challenges will be discussed in the backdrop of capacity building requirements.


The Sustainable Development Report 2021

❖ An annual publication, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Index claims to track a country’s performance on the 17 SDGs. The report combines data and analyses produced by the United Nations, the World Bank and others as well as from non-official sources (research institutions and non-governmental organizations). Development. For the first time since the adoption of the SDGs in 2015, the global average. SDG Index score for 2020 has decreased from the previous year.

❖ Pakistan with an overall Index score in 2021 of 57.7 means that the country is on average 57.7 per cent on the way to the best possible outcome across the 17 SDGs. This score is 1.5pc higher than the country’s score in 2020.

❖ Pakistan is categorized in the East and South Asia region that comprises 21 countries including China and Singapore, pushing the regional scores upward. Compared to 2020, Pakistan’s performance has increased by 3pc in the region.

❖ Pakistan’s SDG Global Rank is 129 (out of 193) in 2021, improved by five ranks, 134 (out of 166) in 2020. Compared to its neighbors, Bangladesh’s rank stayed at 109 during 2020 and 2021. India’s rank declined by three, from 117 to 120 between 2020 to 2021.

❖ The overall improvement in the score, in terms of trends for Goals’ achievement, Pakistan’s performance is only on track against Goal 13 (Climate Action). All other goals’ progress is either moderately improving or stagnating and worsening in the case of Goal 15 (Life on Land).

❖ According to updated national data sources (Pakistan Social and Living Standards Measurement), access to electricity has increased by 3pc between 2015 to 2020 and stands at 96pc in 2020 including 5pc off-grid.

❖ Population with access to clean fuels and technology for cooking, SDGs indicator 7.1.2, has been reported 43.3pc (2016).

❖ According to the latest national data sources (PSLM), the population with access to clean fuels and technology for cooking increased by 5.7pc between 2015 to 2019 and stands at 47pc in 2019-20.

❖ According to the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics Covid-19 specific survey (2020), 27.31 million working population was affected. Related to SDG 1 (No Poverty) and SDG 2 (Zero Hunger) and SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth, 20.6m people could not work during the first wave of the pandemic in 2020.

❖ The government came up with an Rs1.24 trillion stimulus package to boost the overall economic situation and especially, in a bid to reduce the impact of Covid-19 on poverty (SDG 1), hunger (SDG 2), health (SDG 3) and SDG 8 on Decent Work and Economic Growth.

❖ SDG 3 on Good Health and Well-being, even before Covid-19, Pakistan had a fragile healthcare system with insufficient facilities to meet the needs of the population. There is on average one hospital bed available for over 1,680 people.


Goal -1: Poverty

Numl has antipoverty policy to substantiate how university opportunity for quality education to poor students and needy students by providing various scholarships.  Like Ehsas, Baitul Mal Scholarship.

Need based Financial Aid Programs

 Higher Education Commission (HEC) Need-Based Financial Aid Program aims to make NUML education affordable and accessible to the financially challenged students.

NUML Support Fund for Needy People

 During lockdown, the University developed support fund for jobless people to provide them food and medicines.


Policy on Student Hunger

NUML has policy on Student Hunger; accessibility to nutritious, balanced and healthy food basic human requirements of human beings. Wherein the affected students are identified and then adequately taken care of.

Policy on Campus Food Waste

Food has become worldwide phenomenon. AN estimated 36 million tons of food is wasted in Pakistan every year, nearly one third of the food produced is wasted at various stages from its production to consumption. Numl has Campus food wastage policy to reduce food wastage.

NUML Student Café

To promote on-campus entrepreneurial culture – University provided cabins to students to run their own cafeteria.  This was done to offer quality food in affordable prices.

GOAL-3: Good Health and Well being 

First aid and medical services are provided  to all students and teachers in any kind of emergency.

Ambulatory Services/ Patient Transport

 Commissioning of Ambulance Equipment and ensuring guidelines for Ambulatory care. Transport of patients to hospitals under supervised care.

Cardiac Care Emergency Management

 Supervised installation of Cardiac Care Emergency Management. An electrocardiogram machine is also available at Medical Inspection Room.

Psychological Counseling Center

At NUML, we believe in providing academic staff, administrative staff and students with a healthy environment for performance in teaching and learning. To achieve this, they provide counseling services through professional help.

COVID 19 Safety Precautions

The University has been functional with full precautions during the pandemic. Proper hand sanitizing, wearing of masks and disinfectant sprays were carried out daily. Temperature and any other signs of flu were properly checked at each entry point of the University.

GOAL-4: Quality Education

Academic Programs NUML offers education in five faculties comprising thirty teaching departments including eleven major national and international language departments. It has more than 1, 200 academic staff and more than 1, 000 administrative staff. The student strength is more than 20, 000.

GOAL-5: Gender Equality

NUML is committed to providing an environment that is free from discrimination based upon race, color, ethnicity, national origin, gender, religion, disability, age, veteran status, or any other status
protected by state or federal law.

GOAL-6: Clean water and sanitation

Students of NUML executed Cleanliness Drive.

 Aqua- The Pure
Team of students of Governance and Public Policy (G&PP) started a social action project, Aqua - The Pure. Students visited the slum areas in Islamabad to collect the real time data about the issue of water supply. They carried out survey/interviews to document access to clean drinking water
issues in Rawat (rural area of federal capital).

GOAL-7: Affordable and clean energy

 Utilizing Solar Energy To become a carbon neutral University, NUML is in process of installing solar panels on buildings of its Main Campus. So far, panels on two buildings have been installed – on building of Nazir Library and of Ibn-e-Khaldoon Block. The panels collect 195 KW, which are connected to

GOAL-8: Decent Work and Economic Growth

Incubation Center
Business Incubation Centre of NUML (B ICON) provides wide range of services to incubates to propel them to new heights and sustain in industry. Incubation Centre provides advisory services, consultancy, trainings, workshop advisory services, marketing and promotional services, technology transfer development and business linkages.

Skill for All - Hunarmand Pakistan Program

NUML Career Development & Placement Services (NCDPS) in collaboration with Department of Computer Sciences and National Vocational and Technical Training Commission (NAVTTC) conducted interviews for the Prime Minister’s Hunarmand Pakistan Program.

GOAL-9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure Industry Technology Cell of NUML (IT CON)

Industry Technology Cell of NUML (IT CON) helps transform research and ideas into commercially viable products.

GOAL-10: Reduced Inequalities

Not only students from four provinces of the country come to NUML but foreign students are also enrolled in different degree /diplomas/certification programs. Students from various countries including Afghanistan, Australia, Algeria, Canada, Chinese, Kashmir, Sierra Leone, Sudan, United Arab Emirates, Turkey, and Saudi Arabia are a part of vibrant international NUML alumni.

Anti-Discrimination-Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure

NUML is committed to maintaining an environment that encourages and fosters appropriate conduct among all its stakeholders and motivates respect for individual values. Accordingly, the University is committed to enforcing Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and Complaint Procedure at all levels in order to create an environment free from discrimination, harassment, retaliation and/or sexual assault.

GOAL-11:  Sustainable Cities and Communities

 Energy Efficient Buildings

NUML is opting for sustainable materials like fiber cement sidings to make its building weather and fire resistant. Fiber cement is a mixture of cement, wood fiber and other additives that contain recycled wood. The fire resistance of fiber cement is great for the safety of the buildings.

GOAL 12:  Responsible Consumption and Production

Hike & Clean

Students of NUML executed an activity, ‘Hike & Clean’ to clean some locations of Margalla Hills.

Webinar on Food Recycling

Students of Governance and Public Policy Department under their social action project, Recycling of Food organized a webinar on “Food Recycling”.

GOAL 13:  Climate Action

World Wildlife Fund (WWF) WWF

 Eco-Internship Program (EIP) offered Internship from 03 March 2020 for five weeks. Forty-five students of International Relations Department worked on climate issues, renewable sources, waste management and community work.


GOAL 15: Life on Land

 Tree Plantation Drive

National University of Modern Languages (NUML) kicked off the tree plantation drive under Clean Green Pakistan Program. Rector NUML Major General (Retd) Muhammad Jaffar inaugurated the campaign by planting a sapling in the Main Campus. On the occasion, Rector NUML said that the University will plant maximum trees in all its campuses including the Main Campus as part of Prime Minister’s plantation drive and he urged the faculty members and students to actively take part in the campaign to make the entire project a complete success.

GOAL 16: Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

Policy for University Governance Measures:

Engagement of Students and Local Stakeholders through Active Participation in connection with UN SDGs The University governance measures look at activities around elected representation of University stakeholders on the governing body as well as policy and processes to involve local non-university stakeholders. NUML has this policy to provide policies and program to engage students and local stakeholders through active participation.

GOAL 17: Partnerships for the Goals

 Membership of the Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU)

The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is the world’s first and oldest international university network, established in 1913. It is a professional association for those working in higher education across the Commonwealth, providing avenues for collaboration and cooperation between the members.


 People take serious and take part in any activity which is beneficial to masses. Bringing forward all the pros and cons of pollution on health.  People became aware about sound and clean environment.  People will start planting from home to society and ultimately one day it will be on wider level. 


    Government must take initiative to enhance the plantation drive.  For example Billion tree tsunami

    Community engagement to more plantations.

    Reserve the forest and take care of them

    There should be zoning for housing societies and industrial areas

    Housing and industries must be for from the green areas.

    Plantation is not only the initiate to take but take care of plants is big issue there should be proper regulation.

   Aware people by different platforms like seminars, webinars and so on.

    Formulate environmental policy that whoever cut the three he/she should be punished by planting more trees

   Governing bodies should monitor for any kind of violation in environment on district wise

   Common people should take part because they are directly or indirectly will be affected if they don’t care.

The aim of this task is to aware the university students, communities and different people about the Sustainable Development Goals Life on land to protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation, as we know human activities has threatened life and industries builders don’t build industries keep in eye of environment protection. Highlighting this we can aware people about SDGs and can achieve.  



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