Saturday, January 29, 2022

NUML Digital Skills Society - Insight to Action

A Small Step In Good Direction!

The first day of a semester is about exchanging new visions. On the 27th of September 2021, we were asked to define the change in our first class of the day. It took a couple of minutes to restructure words to sound concrete. The first thing that knocked our mind was the words of Mahatma Gandhi,

"Be the change that you wish to see in the world."

Considering the social changes happening around us we identified the most important issue and proposed solutions to it. Social Action Project is an ultimate course of knowledge transfer incorporating planning, leading, executing, budgeting, and documenting the nitty-gritty of the project. Including long hours of brainstorming and group discussions, it was not difficult for the six brains to concede at the topic because pandemic elevated the dire need for digital skills in the creative economy and the team members along with polishing their competencies thought to engage others as well.

NUML Digital Skills Society aims to empower youth through the development of digital skills and digital literacy in Higher Education Institutions building a sustainable digital ecosystem under SDG-4 and SDG-8.

Our strenuous efforts of four months did not go stale. It’s the time of celebration. Instead of feeling a burden, Team NUML Digital Skills Society is feeling proud of its achievements which have miraculously transformed us into more responsible and flexible human beings. The whole team pays high gratitude to the most generous supervisor ever, Dr. Athar Rashid for his constant guidance and motivation to achieve our objectives. Social Action Project was an innovative learning experience for the whole team not only improving our social and communication skills but also enhancing our problem solving and leadership attributes. The high levels of stress and anxiety diminished with every step forward towards the goals. Team NUML Digital Skills Society truly believe in the words of Nelson Mandela,

"It always seems impossible until it's done."

By far, positive feedback outnumbered the negative adding delicacy to the team and elevating the impact of the project by making it sustainable through adding more courses, meeting potential stakeholders, recruiting efficient human resources, and much more!  Charles F. Glassman explains the heartfelt feelings of the team,

"Despite our challenges, hope lies in the reality that our story does not end here."

A glance into the final presentation of NUML Digital Skills Society held on 27th Jan 2022.


Team NUML Digital Skills Society


  1. Thank you for sharing your great experience with us Team NDSS. It is an exciting idea to work with you all on much needed idea of digital skills in the present era of technology. The idea of imparting digital skills for a social intervention or civic engagement by students of BS 4th semester was indeed amazing and appealing for me.Thanks for sharing and working on it tirelessly.I believe your team will continue to work on it even more effectively and make it sustainable in the coming Future.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind consideration. It was a privilege for us to work under your supervision. High hopes for our future endeavors.

  2. Indeed digital learning paves a way for better and demanding future,students who are good at it can more easily differentiate themselve from others.
    There mindset will be more creative in this regard.

    1. True, bridging the digital divide is going to be a successful contributor to the future.

  3. No doubt, digital learning holds great significance, saving time and money and being an integral part to our personal as well as working skills. Good initiative, Keep it up :)

  4. It was so good. It is the dire need of the hour because now we are living in the era of technology. Your great work will help a lot more students and the common citizens.

  5. No doubt it was a very great initiative and it will help other students to get inspiration from your work.

    1. It would be an immense pleasure for us if it motivates others as well.

  6. Glad to see that you have worked on the Digital side as well. It's a very good and impactful initiative. I have personally worked in a Social Action Project under Sir Athar's Supervision and it can't be denied that he is indeed a great source of motivation. Well-done.

    1. Your words mean a lot to us. Dr. Athar has always been resourceful by all means.

  7. It is really useful in the era of technology nd for the future. It is very helpful in development and progress of our country.
    NDSS aims is very helpful in empower youth through the development of DSS. We teachs more about the technology that is amazing. Thing for our future. Thank u NUML

    1. We appreciate your opinion. Hope you get to learn more from us in the future. Stay Connected!

  8. It is a good initiative. It is the dire need of the hour because now we are living in the era of technology. Your great work will help a lot more students and the common citizens.


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