Friday, January 28, 2022

Activity: Webinar2 with T.A. Bhutta and Mubeen Ashraf.

This webinar was different from the earlier one as it focused on the cognitive health of children due to poverty along with illiteracy and its lack of knowledge about cyber education. 

my opinion is that, the base of every crime is connected to something and may be it comes from house hold or parenting, so it is very important to guild children from the young age. so how can we guide them specially to parents about its important we held this specific webinar. and we just not covered this topic but few other as well. 

In this webinar there were 45+ participants and it was continued almost 1 and half hour. This was second and most effective too because it was a brainstorming webinar a lot of students asked question questions about crypto and bit coins , gray hackers, and  financial fraud. We got good outcomes.


  1. Clearing brain fog is much important for developing the brain functioning capabality, in this regard various brain activities are quite helpful for the cognitive health of a childern.

  2. We need more webinars like this to enhance the cognitive ability of the children. We must start this with beginning level (School, college). As the coming of age is virtual reality, bitcoins, and crypto-currency will be the dominant factors of the whole world, not just of a certain society. We must educate our children about it.


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