Friday, January 28, 2022

Activity: social media account.

Starting from the 1st activity which was to make social media accounts, this step was important to be done because social media platforms are used by almost everyone and we can easily share our thoughts and information there. So, we made an Instagram account and Facebook as well. The motive was to gain attention on this sensitive topic which is somehow neglected by us I mean by the young generation, and we usually don’t bother it that how dangerous it can be. And yes! We found it very successful as many people followed our account and share them as well, and we try to solve their queries if they are having any kind of problem regarding cyber-crime they can tell us or ask us. And our future plan is to make them more effective and active because we all know that we are so much lazy to read stuff in newspapers and we mostly prefer to sit at one place and scroll our mobile and use Instagram and Facebook like apps, so from here the awareness and information can easily run and have a long-lasting impact too. You can follow our account.



1 comment:

  1. Social media is a good way to gain the attention of youth and to create awareness.


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