Friday, August 18, 2023

NUML Social Action Projects; Building Leadership skills in students

SDG scouts for Water, Energy, and Food Security at Govt M.C Boys Model high school

NUML social action projects (SAP) is a platform initiated by the Department of Governance and Public Policy under the supervision of Dr. Athar Rashid, who is an assistant professor in the department. Being a student in this department, I have a lot to say about this platform where students can showcase their skills of leadership and project management in contributing to environmental resource building and community development. So far, several projects have been introduced through this platform, with many more to come. These projects not only enhance several project management skills in students but also provide a professional platform for them to bring their ideas to life. Students have accomplished a lot through these projects, including receiving appreciation letters from several organizations and institutions. Apart from these letters, students have also received internship opportunities. The main idea is to spread awareness of sustainable development goals among the masses and to create innovative ideas to solve community problems. Students are asked to create a digital presence for their project on social media apps and to engage with several organizations and institutions related to their project. In the last year, the students started to give awareness sessions in several schools, colleges, and universities regarding sustainable development goals as SDG scouts, which was a very successful idea not only for the students but for the community as well. The institutions praised their work and awarded them appreciation letters as the SDG scouts managed to educate the respective students about sustainable development goals and how they could play their part in achieving a sustainable future.
Awareness session at Army Public School Westridge

SDG scouts for W.E.F security at SKANS Islamabad
SDG scouts for W.E.F security at I.M.C.B I-8/3

These projects have not only spread awareness among many students around Islamabad and Rawalpindi regarding sustainability but also created a digital impact all around Pakistan through social media platforms. However, these are not the only benefits. Being a part of this project is a wonderful addition to your CV. Due to the fact that student-based projects are now taken into account internationally and are being praised by many international organizations and fellowships, including UGRAD and the Sister2Sister fellowship program, you can mention your work experience in your CV if you are a part of NUML social action projects and project a good professional image in front of recruiters. Several of our students have also reached this life milestone by making these social action initiatives sustainable.

Written by: Shiza Farrukh ( Project Manager for Water, Energy and Food Security)

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Exploring the Potential of Organic Food in Pakistan

Title: Exploring the Potential of Organic Food in Pakistan


In recent years, there has been a notable increase in global demand for organic food, driven by a growing awareness of food quality and safety. Pakistan, with its abundant agricultural resources and rich cultural heritage, has the potential to establish itself as a prominent player in the organic food industry. This article aims to explore the concept of organic food and discuss its potential in Pakistan's agricultural sector.

Understanding Organic Food:

Organic food refers to agricultural products cultivated and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, pesticides, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), or growth hormones. It emphasizes sustainable practices that prioritize soil and water conservation, biodiversity, and animal welfare. Organic farming methods rely on natural inputs like compost, crop rotation, and biological pest control.

Benefits of Organic Food:

1. Health Benefits: Organic food is free from harmful chemicals, pesticides, and synthetic additives commonly associated with conventional farming. Studies suggest that consuming organic food reduces the risk of exposure to toxins, promoting overall better health.

2. Environmental Sustainability: Organic farming practices prioritize soil health, reducing water pollution and conserving biodiversity. By avoiding synthetic inputs, organic farming contributes to ecosystem preservation and aids in mitigating climate change.

3. Enhanced Flavor and Nutrition: Organic produce is often recognized for its superior taste and nutrient content. Research indicates that organic fruits and vegetables contain higher levels of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, which contribute to better flavor and nutritional value.

Organic Food Potential in Pakistan:

1. Abundance of Agricultural Resources: Pakistan possesses vast tracts of fertile land, offering ample opportunities for organic farming. The country's diverse range of climates and soil types makes it suitable for cultivating a wide variety of organic crops.

2. Traditional Farming Practices: Pakistan has a long-standing history of traditional and sustainable farming methods. Many farmers in remote areas continue to rely on organic techniques, utilizing natural fertilizers and traditional seed varieties. These cultural practices can serve as a foundation for expanding organic farming across the country.

3. Growing Demand for Healthy Food: With a growing population, increasing health consciousness, and a burgeoning middle class, there is significant demand for safe and healthy food in Pakistan. This presents a lucrative market for organic produce, aligning with the preferences of health-conscious consumers.

4. Export Potential: Pakistan has the potential to become a major exporter of organic products. Countries like the United States, Europe, and the Middle East demonstrate high demand for organic food and are willing to pay a premium for it. By meeting the stringent organic certification requirements of these markets, Pakistan can tap into its export potential.

Challenges and the Way Forward:

While the potential for organic food in Pakistan is promising, certain challenges need to be addressed:

1. Lack of Awareness: Many consumers in Pakistan are not fully aware of the benefits of organic food, which limits the market for organic produce. Raising awareness through educational initiatives and campaigns can play a crucial role in educating consumers about the advantages of organic food.

2. Certification and Regulation: Establishing a robust certification system and enforcing organic farming regulations are essential to ensure the integrity and authenticity of organic products. The government and relevant authorities should work collaboratively to develop and implement such standards.

3. Access to Resources and Training: Small-scale farmers may face challenges accessing necessary resources and training to adopt organic farming practices. Government initiatives and collaborations with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) can provide training, technical support, and access to organic inputs, empowering farmers to transition toward organic agriculture.


Pakistan's agricultural sector holds immense potential for embracing organic farming and contributing to the growth of the organic food industry. By leveraging its abundant resources, traditional practices, and the growing demand for healthy food, Pakistan can position itself as a key player in the global organic market. With appropriate support, increased awareness, and

 the establishment of regulatory frameworks, organic food can create sustainable economic opportunities while promoting healthier lifestyles and environmental conservation throughout the country.

Monday, June 5, 2023

NUML SDGs Scouts 2023


If we look around according to the  Sustainability is “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.” which is true and kind of understandable, therefore sustainable living is an ideology or we can say a belief introduced by the folks concerned about the usage of natural resources and the needs of future generations, 

There are three pillars/components of sustainability defined coherently by Penn State University 

As is shown in the diagram, three of the components are interconnected, and each of the three plays a considerable role to achieve accurate sustainability,

Sustainable living doesn't mean a perfect lifestyle but it can be defined in 3 terms which are Reduce, Reuse and Recycle,

As Bea Johnson wrote, “refuse what you do not need; reduce what you do need; reuse what you consume; recycle what you cannot refuse, reduce, or reuse; and rot (compost) the rest.”

Now! Let's come toward what does Sustainable Living Look like?

Sustainable living is not something that cannot be achieved it depends on our daily actions and many people are living their lives sustainably all around the world, here are some ways which can be followed to make your life and environment sustainable

According to David Suzuki~

In a world of more than seven billion people, each of us is a drop in the bucket. But with enough drops, we can fill any bucket.

There are 1000s of ways in which we can live a sustainable life, some of them are listed below

          Reduce, Reuse And Recycle:

The first and most famous phenomenon of sustainable living is reducing, reusing, and recycling, when we reduce, reuse, and recycle our daily life gadgets and goods which are made in the industries producing CO2 emissions and burning fossil fuels, it can help to protect the environment and health of the earth, for instance, we can use the wasted plastic bottles in seeding new plants.

     Stop using Motor/Engine vehicles                                    daily:

As everyone knows how dangerous is the exhaust smoke that comes out of vehicle’s engines and motors, be attentive to your daily actions like using motor/engine vehicles, which are impacting the environment and your health also start living your life without cars motorbikes, or any such vehicle that is hazardous to you and people around you, start doing your tasks by walking and use bicycles for your errands it will help to keep the environment clean and your health stable.

Take on Plant-rich diets:

Adopting a plant-rich diet can be highly impactful to living a sustainable life  

   According to Project Drawdown: 
“Plant-rich diets reduce emissions and also tend to be healthier, leading to lower rates of chronic disease. According to a 2016 study, business-as-usual emissions could be reduced by as much as 70 percent by adopting a vegan diet and 63 percent by a vegetarian diet, which includes cheese, milk, and eggs. $1 trillion in annual health-care costs and lost productivity would be saved.”
“The meat and dairy industry takes up  of all farmland and is responsible for 60% of the agricultural industry’s  of yearly greenhouse gas emissions.”(Sustainable Jungle)
“ suggests that adopting a plant-based diet can save 401,500 gallons of water, 10,950 square feet of forest, and 7,300 pounds of CO2 emissions per person per year (not to mention the 365 animal lives saved).
     Grow vegetables and fruits by                                 yourself:

Avoid purchasing ready-made vegetables and fruits try to grow your food by yourself, you can build a little garden or sow some herbs on your balcony, it will give you the satisfaction you can never get by purchasing your food from supermarkets, it will not just cost you less money but also make your home greener, enhance your gardening skills and will increases biodiversity. 

Cut down plastic use:

According to UNEP

“Around the world, one million plastic bottles are purchased every minute, while up to five trillion plastic bags are used worldwide every year, in total, half of all plastic produced is designed for single-use purposes-used just once and then thrown away.”

Last but not least 

( Raise Your Voice )

If you are aware of the right thing like how to live a sustainable life and you feel like people around you don’t know about it, do teach them and provide them the accurate information so they can also start living a sustainable life.

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Internship at Pakistan Council of Research In Water Resources (PCRWR)

NUML SDGs scouts for Water, Energy and Food security learned a lot as interns at PCRWR and developed new skills that will be very useful to us in the long run. Starting on January 30th our internship term was three weeks long, and we had to work in three departments, beginning with administration, then finance, and finally water management. We also attended the National Consultation Workshop on draft National Water Conservation Strategy. The staff was very humble, helpful, and taught us a lot. We were not burdened with work; instead, they showed us how to do stuff and then asked us to do short assignments each day.  

National Consultation Workshop 

We attended the National Consultation Workshop on the Draft National Water Conservation Strategy and Stock Taking Assignment for National Water Policy Implementation and the Launch of Water Quality Reports. It was a very informative and new experience for us as students to attend such a professional workshop with all stakeholders. We learned about Pakistan's insights into water issues, the concerns of the stakeholders, and their input into the draft water conservation strategy of Pakistan. The work was divided into three phases. Following the presentation by Ms. Hifza Rasheed, Secretary of PCRWR, the chief guests, including PCRWR Chairman Mr. Muhammad Ashraf, made opening remarks in the first phase. Then the discussion opened, and the guests gave their remarks on the policy and raised points that it lacked in the second phase. The final phase of the workshop was followed by the stock-taking assignment for the draft. This experience was beneficial for us in analyzing a policy or strategy document and gave us insight into how this work is done on a national level. We observed the whole workshop and took minutes of the workshop. 

Admin Department (30; January 2023 to 3; February 2023) 

Starting with our first department, which was administration, Mr. Mufti Saleem (Assistant Director Admin) briefed about the work and structure of the organization. He explained the functions of the finance department in detail and then we were shown how they do the noting and drafting of office files. Then, the next day, Mr. Ahmed and Mr. Zia-Ul-Haq (staff, admin branch) told us about the parts of an office file: noting, correspondence, and routine. We learned the art of proceeding with a file within an organization. We learned the skill of teamwork while having respect for hierarchy. We learned and watched how the administration department deals with administrative cases, including employee case files. We got to study a few of the case files of PCRWR employees. Our one-week experience in the administration department was full of learning and watching practical work, although we did not have much work to do but had a lot to learn. 

Finance department (6; February 2023 to 10; February 2023) 

In the finance department, we gained most of our practical experience. In the beginning, we were guided by Mr. Bilal from the Finance Department, who briefed us about the allowances that the employees get and how they are calculated using formulas and procedures and how they make salaries for employees. He also told us about the different pay scales and the grants, allowances, and salaries associated with those scales. The most technical skills that we learned in the finance department were cashbook maintenance and reconciliation by practically maintaining some of their cashbook for the fiscal years 2022–2023. We also learned the art of budgeting for both projects and the organization itself. We worked with Mr. Amir Shehzad (Assistant Accounts) in the finance department for the last two days of our week, and he briefed us on tendering and bidding as well as tax calculation and money codes used in government organizations. Under his supervision, we practically learned how to make contingent registers and write checks. He evaluated our cashbook management, check writing, and reconciliation. This experience was extremely beneficial in terms of learning and developing skills required for project or organizational financial management. 

Water management Department (13; February 2023 to 17; February 2023) 

In the final week of our internship, we were in the water management department of PCRWR, where Mr. Kashif (Deputy Director Water Management Department) told us about the major activities of this department, including crop water requirements, water conservation, ground water investigations, hydrology modelling and GIS/RS, recharge of depleted aquifers, watershed management, drainage, and land reclamation. They showed us all the models they have applied in the PCRWR building, including lysimeters and water catchment devices such as the Chameleon Moisture Sensor, Chameleon Wifi Reader, and Hydra Ram Pump, as well as the statistics for the lysimeters they have applied all over Pakistan. Mr. Kashif also told us about the procedure for collaborating with different international organizations, including the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Koika, UNICEF, and the International Water Management Institute (IWMI). This was a very helpful experience that enhanced our skills in project management and international outreach, as well as communication and coordination. The task that was given to us by Mr. Kashif was to read and do a gap analysis of the National Water Policy of Pakistan. We read the policy document and did gap analyses; our supervisor, Mr. Kashif, appraised our work, and we learned about policy gap analysis. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

NUML SDG SCOUT / Group 2 / SDGs 6-10 / Awareness Webinar 1st

Social Action Project

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provide a common blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. These SDGs are also called “Agenda 2030”. We are the 'SDG SCOUTS' of the Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, working on the SDGs under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Athar Rashid. We are a group of seven of his students (Usama Majeed, Usama Hakim, Nouman Khan, Luqman Haider, Umer Farooq, Soban Alam, Iftikhar Ahmad) and our main focus is on his SDGs 6 to 10 and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management . Our goal is to inform, educate and train people about these SDGs and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management their importance for our daily lives and for future generations. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their part to help achieve these sustainability goals in order to save this world webinar on "Plastic Waste Management & Clean Cooking Fuels" was successfully conducted on December 29 by the 2022 NUML SDG Scouts BS 4 afternoon Group 2 (SDGs 6-10). Both of our guest speakers, Mr. Parvez Ali and Ms. Maryam Akhter, are climate activists. Parvez represented Pakistan at the COP 27 conference last year in Egypt, and Maryam has participated and represented Pakistan on numerous national and international platforms. They presented their topics expertly, and we also had a discussion about some global climate change-related issues. In addition, the presenters offered a few chances for the audience to seize and work together to ensure their careers in the industry.  The overall response of the webinar was very nice, there were around 50 to 60 people who took part in the webinar as an audience. The speakers specially thanked DR ATHAR RASHID for engaging young minds in the field of climate change and SDGs. We assist students in developing a deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda as a NUML SDG'S Scout. The NUML SDG'S Scouts have been instrumental in raising awareness, teaching students, and influencing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals through presentations, awareness walks, and other events.

NUML SDGs SCOUTS / Group 2 / SDGs 6 -10/ Awareness visit to Haripur KPK

Social Action Project

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provide a common blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. These SDGs are also called “Agenda 2030”. We are the 'SDG SCOUTS' of the Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, working on the SDGs under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Athar Rashid. We are a group of seven of his students (Usama Majeed, Usama Hakim, Nouman Khan, Luqman Haider, Umer Farooq, Soban Alam, Iftikhar Ahmad) and our main focus is on his SDGs 6 to 10 and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management. Our goal is to inform, educate and train people about these SDGs and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management and their importance for our daily lives and for future generations. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their part to help achieve these sustainability goals in order to save this world On December 13, 2022, the team SDG Scouts for Plastic Waste Management and Clean Cooking Fuels organized a campaign to raise awareness of these issues in the KPK district of Haripur. The crew interacted with a variety of people in the communities and spread knowledge on the use and recycling of plastic as well as the use of healthy cooking fuels. These locations are thought to be the most affected by the burning of wood and cow dung, which has a direct impact on the habitat of various organisms and the environment. The local vegetation is very sparse. the project's goal is to inform, educate, and teach the general public, especially the youth, about the use of clean cooking fuels, their effects on the environment, and the use of plastic trash and how to manage it.

NUML SDG SCOUTS | Group 2 | SDGs 6-10 visit to modern school system ATD KPK

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provide a common blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. These SDGs are also called “Agenda 2030”. We are the 'SDG SCOUTS' of the Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, working on the SDGs under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Athar Rashid. We are a group of seven of his students (Usama Majeed, Usama Hakim, Nouman Khan, Luqman Haider, Umer Farooq, Soban Alam, Iftikhar Ahmad) and our main focus is on his SDGs 6 to 10 and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management . Our goal is to inform, educate and train people about these SDGs and clean cooking fuels and plastic waste management their importance for our daily lives and for future generations. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their part to help achieve these sustainability goals in order to save this world


To raise awareness of the SDGs, we decided to visit institutions out of Islamabad and Rawalpindi, organize webinars, and visit slum areas. We visited Modern school system ABBATTABAD to conduct an awareness session on SDGs and Clean cooking fuels and plastic west management  with formal endorsement from NUML Islamabad. The administrator of Modern school system Abbattabad

  welcomed us and allowed us to have a session. and it was a great opportunity for our team to interact with them. The administration provided us with a conference room that accommodates 4 classes SSC and HSSC level with 3 faculty members. Before starting the presentation, group members introduced themselves to the students and shared the intentions and goals of the session. Then we started the session. The session lasted approximately one hours and included a question-and-answer session. Students asked questions and we answered them according to our knowledge and ability. We found that the students were very interested in learning more about the SDGs and their implications.  . 

NUML SDG SCOUTS | Group 2 | SDGs 6-10 | visit to punjab college D12 Campus Rawalpindi

We are the SDGs scout in the Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, working on the SDGS use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Athar Rashid. We are a group of seven of his students (Usama Majeed, , Umer Farooq, Usama Hakim, Nouman Khan, Luqman Haider, Soban Alam, Iftikhar Ahmad) and our main focus is on his SDGs 6 to 10 and use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management. Our goal is to inform, educate and train people about these SDGs and their importance for our daily lives and for future generations. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their part to help achieve these sustainability goals use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management in order to save this world

 Awareness activities and initiatives by SDG scouts:
To raise awareness of the SDGS use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management,  We visited the Punjab College D12 campus to conduct an awareness session on use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management with formal endorsement from NUML Islamabad. The Punjab College D12 campus Administration welcomed us and allowed us to have a session. Punjab College D12 campus that are actively working on his SDGS use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management and it was a great opportunity for our team to interact with them. We were present our project in front of students and faculty to exchange the knowledge about the project the session lasted approximately one and a half hours and included a question-and-answer session. Students asked questions and we answered them according to our knowledge and ability. We found that the students were very interested in learning more about the SDGS use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management and their implications.
SDGs Scouts Ambassadors:
Our vision is to continue this awareness-raising process. Therefore, we have selected some as SDGs use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management ambassadors among students and teachers. They are our representatives as SDGs scouts at their respective colleges. The aim is to raise awareness of the use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management and expand the work of SDGs Scouts in their respective institutions.  
As a NUML SDG`S Scout, we help students gain a profounder understanding of the use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management. Through presentations, awareness walks, and other activities, NUML SDG`S Scouts have played a vital role in spreading awareness, educating students and use of clean cocking fuels and plastic waste management.

NUML SDG Scouts/ Group 2 , SDGs 6-10/ Visit to CUST Islamabad, Dated October 10,2022.

Social Action Project

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted by all United Nations Member States in 2015, provide a common blueprint for peace and prosperity for people and the planet, now and in the future. These SDGs are also called “Agenda 2030”. We are the 'SDG SCOUTS' of the Department of Governance and Public Policy, National University of Modern Languages Islamabad, working on the SDGs under the guidance of Assistant Professor Dr. Athar Rashid. We are a group of seven of his students (Usama Majeed, Usama Hakim, Nouman Khan, Luqman Haider, Umer Farooq, Soban Alam, Iftikhar Ahmad) and our main focus is on his SDGs 6 to 10. Our goal is to inform, educate and train people about these SDGs and their importance for our daily lives and for future generations. We believe it is everyone's responsibility to do their part to help achieve these sustainability goals in order to save this world

To raise awareness of the SDGs, We visited the Capital University of Science and Technology Islamabad (CUST) to conduct an awareness session on SDGs with formal endorsement from NUML Islamabad. The CUST administrator welcomed us and allowed us to have a session. CUST University is one of the universities in Pakistan that are actively working on his SDGs and it was a great opportunity for our team to interact with them. The administration department of CUST University provided us with a conference room that accommodates 55 students and four faculty members. Before starting the presentation, group members introduced themselves to the students and shared the intentions and goals of the session. Then we started the session. The session lasted approximately one and a half hours and included a question-and-answer session. Students asked questions and we answered them according to our knowledge and ability. We found that the students were very interested in learning more about the SDGs and their implications.

Our vision is to continue this awareness-raising process. Therefore, we have selected some as SDG ambassadors among students and teachers. They are our representatives as SDGs scouts at their respective universities. The aim is to raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals and expand the work of her SDGs Scouts in their respective institutions.

As  NUML SDG`S Scout, we help students gain a deeper understanding of the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. Through presentations, awareness walks, and other activities, NUML SDG`S Scouts have played a vital role in spreading awareness, educating students and influencing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals..

NUML Social Action Projects; Building Leadership skills in students

SDG scouts for Water, Energy, and Food Security at Govt M.C Boys Model high school NUML social action projects (SAP) is a platform initiated...

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